An editor who loves writing as much as you do!
There are whole sagans of books out there.
Good editing will help yours stand out.
Copy Editing
Copy editing is the work of reviewing a manuscript for grammar, punctuation, printing style, and factual accuracy. Your copy editor will find and point out copy editing issues in your manuscript and suggest changes, often adherent to a particular style manual (ex: Chicago Manual of Style).
Developmental Editing
Developmental editing is concerned with the content and style of a work. Your developmental editor will make sure your writing makes sense, your writing is clear, style is consistent and your sentences flow well. This editing service can be expected to take a little longer than copy editing or proofreading.
Proofreading and Formatting
Has this ever been you? “Ack! Help! I’ve been uploading this e-book for hours and everything looks great except there’s this weird blank spot in the middle of chapter three!” Yeah, I can help you with that. The hard truth is that 99% of formatting problems are dumb little software interface quirks that don’t require a PhD in coding to solve- just the the eyes of someone else who’s been there. I’ve been there.
Client testimonials
Geoffrey Mandragora