An editor who loves writing as much as you do!

There are whole sagans of books out there.

Good editing will help yours stand out.

  • Copy Editing

    Copy editing is the work of reviewing a manuscript for grammar, punctuation, printing style, and factual accuracy. Your copy editor will find and point out copy editing issues in your manuscript and suggest changes, often adherent to a particular style manual (ex: Chicago Manual of Style).

  • Developmental Editing

    Developmental editing is concerned with the content and style of a work. Your developmental editor will make sure your writing makes sense, your writing is clear, style is consistent and your sentences flow well. This editing service can be expected to take a little longer than copy editing or proofreading.

  • Proofreading and Formatting

    Has this ever been you? “Ack! Help! I’ve been uploading this e-book for hours and everything looks great except there’s this weird blank spot in the middle of chapter three!” Yeah, I can help you with that. The hard truth is that 99% of formatting problems are dumb little software interface quirks that don’t require a PhD in coding to solve- just the the eyes of someone else who’s been there. I’ve been there.

Client testimonials

Geoffrey Mandragora

Meg McIntosh is the best editor I’ve ever worked with; I have worked with four others. Meg’s attention to detail and relentless determination to ensure clarity in every written word is extraordinary. Whether she is working with me to tease out sensory detail or fine tune slow passages, her works is prodigious. But above all that is her input to action sequences. I’ll write a taut scene that focuses on the action and engages the reader, one I am proud of. Then she looks at it. She uses word choice and sentence rhythm to turn my satisfactory action scene into an edge-of-your-seat, nail biting experience. Additionally, she gives tremendous insight into female and younger characters.

She has been my editor on six books: The Eidlerland Incident, The Pretoria Event, Housekeeper, A Werewolf in Cheap Clothing, Hunter’s Witch, and The Tesla Gambit. In addition, in my first Book, The Thunderbolt Affair, which was edited by a well-regarded professional, she brought several errors to my attention (after initial publication) and helped me resolve them and update the manuscript.

I strongly recommend her as an editor and without hesitation will work with her again.